Monday, June 30, 2008

Fellow church geeks

Well as you know, this blog is not strictly dedicated to STAR WARS POCKETMODELS (although one day... one day...) This blog is a celebration of all that is geekiness! And what could be more geeky than a bunch of Christians sitting around playing Pictionary on a dry erase board... Ok sure I know of alot more geeky things than that but it was a fun night and I thoroughly documented it!! Down to the food, which as you should be able to tell was quite good and plentiful! We are Baptists after all!

So here are the pics... and I haven't yet figured out how to put them at the bottom of the post. Guess im not a supergeek yet...

Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Organizing my fleets

Well to further prove how cool of a Geek I am, I got out all of my Star Wars Pocketmodels and was working on grouping them into different fleets matching their icons to have a more cohesive playing strategy against the likes of the Weadock boys and my wife (who I have yet to beat!!!)

I also was picking out the more effective Objectives to allow for more support for my fleets in combat.

Well you can see from the pictures that I have waaaayyyyy to many of these and spend waaaayyyyy to much time with them!
But if you look to the left of some of these pictures you will see a laundry basket also. I was trying to be productive while "playing"


Monday, June 23, 2008

Geeky Father's Day

So I apologize for the lateness of this blog (yes I am blogging twice in one day too).

My sweet little daughters (they are technically step-daughters, but I'll never think of them that way) joined together in geeky thoughtfulness and for Father's Day got me this card with a very special gift inside.

2 packs of the NEW SCUM AND VILLAINY SWPM!!!! It was soooo cool and they were really excited to give it to me and watch me open it. It was my first Father's Day ever and they made it a great one. It was also a really special day too since only a few weeks before, we found out we were pregnant and would have a new baby on the way!

Anyway, Happy Belated Father's Day to all you geeky Dads out there!! And to all the non-Geeky Dads... and even the closet Geeks (you know who you are!!)

Churchy Geekdom

Well folks, it finally happened! We brought our geekiness with us to church!

My sister is a geek wannabe and she heard how ULTRA COOL I and my fellow geeks are.
Yes i know I am not supposed to end a sentence with a verb or preposition but Yoda-speak starting to rub off on me it is, mmmhhmmm!
Anyway here are some pictures of the ULTRA COOL geeks (note: Tom felt he needed to wear this really cool hat to show his even cooler geekiness... although he has never worn it at his house when we play games so... hmmm maybe he is just showing off) Oh and the blurry person holding the really cute, fat, kid is Tom's wife. She did not want her picture taken or POSTED ON THE INTERNET! Oops!

Oh and we played Pandemic the Heroic setting and saved the WORLD~~ yeah were cool!

Monday, June 16, 2008

Future Geek and Pretty Geek

So I posted a while back about the cutest couple ever...

Well they are back! And I have nick-named them Future Geek (AKA Ethan W.) and Pretty Geek (AKA Rhianon K.) no not Pretty Geeky!

And since I have decided that he will be our next Padawan disciple we have decided that his name shall no longer be Ethan, but shall be Wea-Et Paann from now on! Ok yes I used some cheesy Jedi name generator and thats the best it could do! Give me some time I will think of something as cool as Qui-Gon Ji soon!

Heres some pics

Saturday barfiness and non-geekiness

So we had some mushy lovey-dovey ceremony on Saturday, June 14th 1008.
My little sister Sarah married Steven! I don't have any pictures at this time (my wife forgot our camera at home!!!!)

It was a very neat wedding with lots of scene's and act's to play out (seriously there were so many changes in the Girls and Guys sitting and standing and positioning that it was like watching a production!) But it turned out very well... even the palm trees ;)

I love Steven too he is a great guy and I am happy to have him as a Brother-in-law...
Since this blog is about being a geek though i can't write it out without adding that he loves playing games! Settlers of Catan is his current favorite but we will introduce him to other board games im sure!

Thursday, June 12, 2008


Well i had this really neat, long post that was witty and ingenius and full of love and humor... and lots of zingers aimed at a fellow blogger. Since i am new to this world of blogging i didn't realize clicking on a certain link marked settings would take me away from the posting i was creating and i would lose all the info...

So i am now whining about that fact instead of re-writing that lengthy original post.

Blah anyway there are 3 more days till my wife and I's 9 month wedding anniversary and then in another 9 months there will be 5 of us to be geeky (although i've yet to include K & K in this blog... but that day will come i'm sure)

Its been a great 9 months and I love my wife very much (there that wasn't LONG or MUSHY now was it?!)

Here are some pictures of that fated day September 15th 2007.

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Weekend geekiness

Hopefully the above pictures will relate to you what my wife and I did this weekend...

Well first of all we bought a really nice new Digital Camera with some Circuit City gift cards (the only redeeming thing about having a credit card with rewards... that is no longer being used, the card that is)

And then we stopped at Target... whoops! They just happened to have the new Scum and Villainy edition of Star Wars Pocketmodels. And my wife bought me some for Father's Day... well at least that's the excuse i'm using!!!

So we then put these two new purchases to good use and took lot's of Geeky pictures of us with the pocketmodels! I really think i'm changing my wife for the better!
Oh and we are both a little pink from the sun we both got that day. Although I was outside working, and she was just hanging out at the pool with Kayden.