Wednesday, June 8, 2011

New Geek Genre

Hi fellow self-proclaimed-and-proud-of-it-Geeks we have branched off our Geekiness into a new venue. One heavily influenced by the coolest Aunts and Uncle around! My big sister Trae has started her own etsy and blog dedicated to knitting! She has made some absolutely AWESOME creations so far and has blown us all away by her creativity. Please take a minute to check out her BLOG and FACEBOOK page and ETSY page to get the full effect of her newly developed (yet incredibly skilled) talent/geekiness!

Just a sample of some of her creations... I personally think the watermelon hat is very cute.

Ok plug aside, my own daughters have taken up this passion and are now spending hours on their projects. They can often be found watching the newest Dreamworks movie or Backyardigans with their little sister, needles in hand, knitting away. They are incredibly inspired by Trae and her insanely cute and amazingly unique creations, and are getting hands on training from their Uncle Beah and Aunt Hannah.

Kayden is very very proud of her first baby hat she made, and Kennadi is still working on her scarf. Check em out!

This image is always followed by an insistant grunt letting his sister know he wants what they have

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Big sister had a slushee...

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Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Geek on the Way!

Well folks, it looks like time waits for no one and neither does the Filler of Quivers, as He has so graciously decided it was time for us to have yet another little geek!

We were a little worried but as you can see from the US pic, there is only 1 in there... and ominously enough it is waving at us, as if to say "yup get ready for another little terrorizing beast of a child!" ... or maybe its waving it's fist defiantly at us saying "I will rule your world one day!"
Either way were excited!!! Rowan can't stop talking about the "new baby in momma's belly!"

We also had a wonderful vacation the week after Grayson and Kayden's birthdays. We went up north to Boyne Mountain (again) and enjoyed lots of rainy days!!
Thankfully we were able to get out between the raindrops and see the Sleeping Bear Dunes
And Petosky Beach

And a neat little Nature Preserve out by Harbor Springs

It was a very nice time and worked out well as it gave all of us perennial sickies a chance to get well which we have trying to maintain since our return!

Alas as our vacation was exhausting and the Motor City Comic Con was immediately upon our return... and we have a fixed budget which doesn't allow some of those niceties anymore, I did not venture out to the land of Novi and hang with all the supergeeks, and people who live their lives in a fantasy world this year.
Maybe next year!!

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Happy Mother's Day!

A lot to post about from this weekend, but let me make this first post about the person that made this blog possible. The wonderful woman who brought me into this world, My Mom! Maureen Lynn Kimmel. She did all the hard work of bearing me, birthing me and bringing me up right!

My mom is one of those dynamos that was always up before everyone and working on something, whether it was for her or someone else, and then would be up late burning the midnight oil to finish either her project or some housework or task she had on her ever growing list. She also always had some sort of part-time job that she put alot of work into and allowed her to get us kids the nice things that she wanted us to have.

She has a definite knack for setting up fun times that become traditions. Fall apple picking at Irwin's Orchards, then the apple-pie-baking weekend once the apples were all picked, Easter bread making in the spring, Zoo trips in the summer, Planting and harvesting the garden, Sunday afternoon dinners, Birthday dinners (where we got to pick out everything about the meal). Its been fun to watch her transition these times into Grandma times with my kids as well. They thoroughly enjoy every time Grandma calls us with some fun idea she has cooked up for them.

Since the early days of part-time jobs and craft shows, Mom has turned a passion for cooking and an extrovert's personality into a profitable and beneficial business. As a Pampered Chef Director she does in home cooking shows and also contributes to many fundraisers. Of late she has partnered with a Kidney Research Foundation and has contributed a sizeable amount of time and funds to their efforts.
Past ventures of note:

Also a featured guest at the Michigan International Woman's Show where a local write-up in 2007 had this to say about my MOM!:
"On the Celebrity Cooking Stage, Chef Maureen Kimmel whipped up a delicious dessert in minutes. Kimmel, a busy mom of five, specializes in meals in minutes and has been cooking for Pampered Chef, a kitchen tools and products company, for 13 years.

“People want fast but not fast food,” Kimmel laughed while offering samples of her scrumptious-looking Double Chocolate Trifle to passers-by. “I call it gourmet cooking in fast food time.”

Kimmel, who mainly does cooking presentations on the weekends, revels in the freedom it gives her away from a full-time job.

“Most of the people that do this actually work a full-time job and this is something fun that they can do on the side, maybe to save for a vacation or braces or whatever,” Kimmel said.

The Pampered Chef, a company founded by Doris Christopher, seeks to empower women by giving them the tools they need to achieve a better balance between work and family. The company offers quality kitchen tools that make their customers more skilled in the kitchen, allowing them to make meals faster so that they can spend more time with their families"

Happy Mother's Day Mom!

After reading this, my wife said "it sounds like an advertisement for Pampered Chef" to which I replied, "It's because I am proud of my mom and her accomplishments, many of which have been affected by her position in the company"

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May the 4th be with You

Okay as corny as it sounds "May the 4th be with you"!
Yup it is that time again, it happens once a year. All of us ridiculous geeks either hum some John Williams, practice our lightsaber forms or just don a full Vader costume to celebrate a great day of geekiness.

I don't think the actual date has anything to do with Star Wars except for the pun itself. But it sure has turned into quite an event!! May (through June) is also Star Wars Weekends at Disneyworld (which, from what I hear, is enough to make a die-hard pass out from excitement!)

Anyway just my geek quota for the day.
Oh and btw, according to the blogger "lightsaber" and "geekiness" is not in the dictionary... Silly spell checker! yeah yeah now it is telling me that btw isn't in it either. Go figure.

Good relations with the Wookiees, I have.

Saturday, April 30, 2011

Free Comic Book Day coming soon!!

Ok Geeks and Nerds... it just so happened that this years FCBD falls on my first born son's 1st birthday!!! Saturday, May 7th.
Mom and the 3 girls are planning on going to a Mother - Daughter banquet at South Side Baptist Tabernacle. Grayson and I plan on hitting all the major comic book/gaming stores in the area before throwing down an incredibly GEEKY 1st Birthday party at the new house, which he will also be sharing with his big sister who has a very close birthdate of May 9th.

Guess I should start cleaning and finishing unpacking my saweeeet action figures, space ships and posters!!!

Oh and in case you are a big Geek like us, check out the FCBD ad with pics from last year... You may just notice a certain familiar girls face complete with S-girl t-shirt and cape!

Stay tuned for pics, since we are also going on vacation for a week after the party and the following weekend after that is the Motor City Comic Con.

Geeks Rule!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011


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Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

Blogging again?

Well here we all are 2 years later.
A whooooole lot has changed since then, we turned to Facebook for much of our updates and info, but I felt compelled to return once more to the world of blogging; especially with technology catching up finally to all my ideas!!

Lets do a quick recap, shall we?
Since April 9, 2009, we have moved 3 times. This last time becoming home owners for the first time since we married and started our family over 3 years ago. We are all very excited about our new home (we moved in the beginning of March, 2011) and are enjoying the perks and work of being home owners.

Our baby girl last blogged about is a terribly cute 2 year old that now terrorizes her almost 1 year old brother. She is a walking, talking, singing little firecracker who gives us no rest and consistenly tests the her bounds and our patience!  Who knows what will happen in the next 6.5 months, we may just add yet another child to our insanity!

Our 2 oldest have gone from being little girls to becoming lovely and helpful young ladies. They both are a tremendous blessing to me and their mom. Kennadi rises early with the above mentioned Rowan (they all sleep in the same room and she likes to yell and cry until they get her out of her crib) and feeds her and gets her started watching Barney or the Backyardigans for the day. And although the Kayden still requires some assistance waking in the morning, once out of bed she is always willing to hold Grayson until her arms give out.

Who is Grayson you ask? Oh he would be that almost 1 year old boy. Grayson Parker Kimmel was added to our family May 7, 2010. He is named after Richard Grayson and Peter Parker. Those true geeks out there will appreciate that! :)  He was our little buddy (don't ask me his measurements, I only know he was small) and still is. Currently learning to walk (look out Haven!) and as cute and pretty as his blond-haired, blue-eyed mommy! We are still working on his manliness though, as his current sounds consist of very high pitched girly squeals to outright feminine screams!

Well that's about it for the actual family member recap...
What's that you say?
Oh, how are Mom and Dad?

Well we are older, wiser, more distinguished and very much so loving our crazy lives with our busyness at work (mom still works 4 days a week along with dad, but opposite shifts), church (we now attend Carleton Community Baptist Church and enjoy serving and worshipping with fellow-minded believers) and family and wouldn't trade it for anything!

More to come, maybe in another couple of years :)