Wednesday, May 4, 2011

May the 4th be with You

Okay as corny as it sounds "May the 4th be with you"!
Yup it is that time again, it happens once a year. All of us ridiculous geeks either hum some John Williams, practice our lightsaber forms or just don a full Vader costume to celebrate a great day of geekiness.

I don't think the actual date has anything to do with Star Wars except for the pun itself. But it sure has turned into quite an event!! May (through June) is also Star Wars Weekends at Disneyworld (which, from what I hear, is enough to make a die-hard pass out from excitement!)

Anyway just my geek quota for the day.
Oh and btw, according to the blogger "lightsaber" and "geekiness" is not in the dictionary... Silly spell checker! yeah yeah now it is telling me that btw isn't in it either. Go figure.

Good relations with the Wookiees, I have.


Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

btw - did your take you lightsaber to work to prove this geekiness?