Saturday, May 28, 2011

New Geek on the Way!

Well folks, it looks like time waits for no one and neither does the Filler of Quivers, as He has so graciously decided it was time for us to have yet another little geek!

We were a little worried but as you can see from the US pic, there is only 1 in there... and ominously enough it is waving at us, as if to say "yup get ready for another little terrorizing beast of a child!" ... or maybe its waving it's fist defiantly at us saying "I will rule your world one day!"
Either way were excited!!! Rowan can't stop talking about the "new baby in momma's belly!"

We also had a wonderful vacation the week after Grayson and Kayden's birthdays. We went up north to Boyne Mountain (again) and enjoyed lots of rainy days!!
Thankfully we were able to get out between the raindrops and see the Sleeping Bear Dunes
And Petosky Beach

And a neat little Nature Preserve out by Harbor Springs

It was a very nice time and worked out well as it gave all of us perennial sickies a chance to get well which we have trying to maintain since our return!

Alas as our vacation was exhausting and the Motor City Comic Con was immediately upon our return... and we have a fixed budget which doesn't allow some of those niceties anymore, I did not venture out to the land of Novi and hang with all the supergeeks, and people who live their lives in a fantasy world this year.
Maybe next year!!

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