Sunday, July 20, 2008

Our Future Geek

Well my wife just asked me if I blog about our baby that is coming in... "how many weeks honey?" 27 weeks!

I said to her... "Uh, no should I be?" "I mean seriously whats more important? our baby or a new member of the Geek Squad?"

But here we go.
OUR baby is now 13 weeks along. We went last Tuesday to our first meeting with the Midwife. She was highly recommended by our friends T and L, and J and C. They all loved her and said she was great. So our first meeting obviously was full of pressure on her! Good thing she didn't know about it! We liked her too and even in the initial meeting she gave us some good advice and answered some questions we had been discussing together.

She then got out the little "thingy-mabober", Jason or Rhianon could tell you the clinical term for it, and put the COLD jelly stuff on the end of it and went to work trying to find the heartbeat.
-Sidebar here a friend said this is the part he hates the "hmmm-ing" and "hmmm-ing" when they can't find the heartbeat makes a person very nervous!-
so that did happen... lots of hmmmss and nervousness and then finally~~

A very fast little beating heart could be heard! WOW what a feeling seriously!
That God would entrust to us a child is a privilege beyond words anyhow, but to hear that little heart... that little life growing inside Rhianon was indescribable... and here i am trying to vainly do just that!
Anyway it was awesome and quite a day and a bonding experience for us.

Oh and the heartbeat was 160 and for all you superstitious people out there Rhi says that means its a girl. Ha silly people! You can't name a girl Han Chewbacca Kimmel.

SO yes this post is not soley about geeks and geeky stuff... but its about the future of my geeky heritage!


Unknown said...

If it is a girl you can name her Leia Padme Kimmel.

Weadock Family said...

Bethany--I'm disappointed in you. Even if you do like that Star Wars junk, I was counting on you to help me protect Ethan. Now you go and suggest a ridiculous name for Tim and Rhianon's baby! Anyway, maybe you should just focus on Geometry :)

Unknown said...

Sorry Mrs.W I couldn't resist. And I didn't have any Geometry to concentrate on.

T.Weadock said...

Color *inside the lines* next time, Bethany. INSIDE THE LINES!

geeky blackbelt said...
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