Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Faithful Readers

Look at the pure joy on my face!
Could I be any more excited?!?!
What great geeky sisters!
So supportive to all my Geeky endeavors!

Sorry all you Faithful Readers who have been disappointed by my lack of posting these past few weeks. Its been pretty busy around here with baby talk and the holiday and my BIRTHDAY and trying to finally finish my Math class!! And its pretty busy at work lately so that takes up alot of my time... arranging my schedule, staying late, etc...
So here are some updates for you all.
Lets see... on the 4th of July I played some with NW and CT, the game was delayed and then later canceled due to other activities taking presedence.
Later that evening we played some games with LW, CM, TK and RK and that was fun! We flipped from Pompeii (which involves throwing people into the volcano!!!) and Pandemic (which involves saving the world from diseases and outbreaks and infections!!)
Then I spread the Geeky love at church and gave one of the younger guys (NK) some extra SWPM that I had, he didn't have any yet and Im all about starting them young into the Geek Club. The look on his face was priceless! Makes it all worth it!!!
Now his mom is hounding me for good resources for cheap (good luck!) SWPM!
Still waiting for my shipment Mrs. K!
Hmmmm oh yeah then Rhi and I had an open night and stopped by a friends house and played GOA!!!!! love that crazy game!
And learned a new game that I plan on buying for my sister!! It was a fun easy quicker game... and quite humbling since you play as many rounds as there are players and each round you get a different persons hand from the previous round... it basically shows you how bad you did when someone else won with your hand that you lost with. Confusing? yeah it took us a little while to get used to it.
Then I played NW and blasted him outa the water with my MMP objective! He was beating me pretty soundly until I played that, and then I just started striking his objectives one after the other. He is getting to be a much better sport... to my face at least. He shook hands and said good game so... He's a cool kid!
Then on my birthday my wife took me to a Comic Book and Toy show. It was pretty much full of guys who either don't shower, still live in their Mom/Grandma/Dad/Brother's basement, don't have a wife, or were just plain cool like me! We walked around for a while and I oohed and aahed at all the cool toys and collectibles and comics and packs of pocketmodels. I bought a few packs of SWPM S&V at a pretty good price and a few SW comic books to try out and see if they are any good. I read the first one about Yoda (or as some call him Yogurt) and it was pretty cool!
Then yesterday as you can tell from the above pictures my sisters surprised me with my birthday present... 6 packs of Order 66 SWPM!!!!! The funny thing about it?
I bought a box of them a while ago and opened a few, sold a few more and then saved the rest... well then I sold them to my sisters so they could give them to me! AM I A GENIOUS OR WHAT!!??
Anyway that brings us up to now... but my mom said she would get me the next release of SWPM for my birthday (Clone Wars is supposed to come out at the end of July!)
Thats all for now. Im diligently working on math at night so it may be a while before I post again.
Oh and I found this shirt on ebay and thought it was hilarious!


Sarah Rose said...

thxs for posting on your blog
P.S. i'll see u wednesday night!!!

T.Weadock said...

I didn't think you were supposed to get married until that Math class was finished...

Oh, and about the above comment from SK -- on Wednesday when I went out to offer to teach her SWPM, she gave me the cold shoulder..."Nah, Tim's not here. He's the one who's good at the game."