Thursday, November 20, 2008


HI ALL!!! Well you may have heard the news that TOPPS (the big ogre company!) has decided to close down Whizkids and cease operations on all their product lines!!
On the AWESOME forum that I talk all things SWPM and some things SW someone had a great idea to have all the kids that have been at the tournaments and play the game take a picture with a sign to SAVE SWPM!! So I did it!
We are supporting the grassroots efforts to continue the games! And since Heroclix is the mainstay of WK games and the fellas that have started a company to try and secure the games from TOPPS are involved in the HUGE Save Heroclix effort as well, we added their sign and URL
Sorry that you can't see the sign with the URL's that well, here are direct links:
SO folks here we have a portion of our little group that plays SWPM!
Note those cute little girls holding the signs in the front, they don't really play the game but the carry ships and cards around in their purses! so CUTE

I will be posting some pictures later of my AWESOME WIFE making those great looking posters! The girls and I did the coloring.

And there I am with my pretty face holding a bunch of packs!
I brought a bunch as incentive for the kids to keep playing and for the pictures!

HEH! We are sooo cool!

Someone's silly kid got a hold of the camera! lol WE HAVE A TON of pictures like this on our memory card!

Aha! we have discovered a closet geek!

Well Well, sitting on the floor... what is that your sitting next to?

A SECRET stash you have been hiding!! GOOD FOR YOU!!!

Yep im a geek too!
327 Star Corps!

The large outer room... obviously we need some more tables at church! lol


One of the smaller SWPM rooms!

Another room full of geeks!


Anonymous said...

Tim!!! I cannot believe that Bathany started starwars!!!! You will not ba able to get me on the dark side. (I am siding with Mrs.Weadock) ~Abby K

Sarah Rose said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sarah Rose said...

make your life a little more exciting ABBY!!!! star wars is the best thing!!!!!! to make it be more exciting!!!!!!!!!!! join the forces of star's pulling you in, in, in, in, in!!!!!
lol just kidding.
P.S. by the way.....that just kidding.....i didn't mean it. =)
P.P.S. and yes that deleted comment was mine.=)

Anonymous said...

TIM, get your act straight and get those pictures rotated so they look right. Do you know how hard it is to stand sideways to see the pictures??? Go away and try it sometimes.

Anonymous said...

Go ahead and try it. Sorry about the misspelled word.

Weadock Family said...

Amy, I like the original 'go away' better. He could go away and take Star Wars with him. But, Tim, you'd need to come back once in awhile so you could play a real game with Tom and me.


Anonymous said...

YES, thats it go away little starwars, go away.

Mrs. T said...

Well, wouldya look at that? A bunch of little activists, aren't they? I applaud their enthusiasm, but I wonder, when was the last time they got truly excited about doing anything besides actually playing with these things? Chris says stopping them will put George Lucas out of a job. I don't think he would be strapped for cash, even if that were the case, which I doubt.

Anonymous said...

