Thursday, August 21, 2008


Hi All,

Ok Ok so you're all begging for an update?
Well we went to our 2nd appointment with our Midwife this past Tuesday.

Heard that little heart beating away!!! It was sooo awesome again to hear it!
Everything is going well so far. Our big ultrasound where we will be able to tell the baby's sex is in 3 weeks... i think.

Though we are able to tell the sex at our next ultrasound, Rhi has convinced me to wait for the ultimate surprise.
I know in today's day that its practical to find out so you can prepare... but I do love SURPRISES!!!

So we will see in about 24 weeks!

Oh and we are nowhere near coming close to deciding on a name... I think we may just stick with Taleulah Belle if its a girl
and Mephibosheth Hezakiah if its a boy.

whatya think?

Oh and last night we had 2 rooms full of kids playing SWPM!!
SOMEONE childishly came in and tried to turn off the lights on us!
SILLY PERSON! we use the FORCE to see!! HAHAHAHA
just kidding LW!

Friday, August 8, 2008


Ok, for all of you faithful readers out there who are not SW haters and can appreciate the fun of the game and not become a SWPM antagonist, here is some info for you concerning the tournament.

Date: 9/6/2008 (Saturday)
Location: Steve Kimmels pole barn (yes i know its a pole barn, but its the biggest place i could find to house rowdy kids and make a mess that will easily be cleaned up)
Time: After Men's Prayer mtg, which is usually around 9 or 9:30AM
Duration: 2-4 hours. Depending on how many players there are it will be mostly 3-4 hours. Estimated end time is 2pm.
Reason: Cuz its STAR WARS!!! and its FUN!!!
Cost: FREE!!!

There will be door prizes and tournament prizes.
I will be encouraging all of the kids to come with a Player Name picked out, just a name for the tournament that they will be registered as. Can be fictitious or real.

We will be having a draft of ships and cards that will be mandatory to play with during the tournament and can be supplemented with their own ships/cards. These will be their own ships after the tournament to keep.

I will be limiting the amount of rare ships and cards that will be allowed.
I will be acting as a rules arbiter of sorts during the tournament. (Haven't decided if I am going to play or not.)
We will be playing by the rules listed on each rule sheet that has come out with each subsequent edition, and using "house rules" for exceptions or questions that come up during play. I will make final ruling calls on individual cases which will stand for this tournament.

We will be playing with Swiss rounds using points for wins, losses and tiebreakers. THIS IS SUBJECT TO CHANGE BEFORE THE TOURNAMENT!

So far the list of possible players includes:

Any others are welcome to play.

Since we will be playing quite close to, if not into, Lunch time I will be providing food for all these young rascals! It will be cheap (as i do have a baby on the way) probably pizza and pop.

Concerned parents please feel free to ask any and all questions regarding the tournament.
Oh almost forgot to mention.
Transportation: My plan was to come to mens prayer and if parents can bring their kids either to the mens prayer or at least drop them off after mens prayer (9:30 SHARP), i will be bringing them back to my parents house afterward. I can provide a reasonable amount of tranportation for those that cannot make it to church at that time.
And as far as getting your kids back... they can either be picked up from my parents house around 2pm or I can make arrangements to get them back to your houses somehow, someway

Thank you for letting your kids take part in this fun event! I may even have a devotional just to spiritualize it... ok no I won't thats just going a bit too far!

Tim Kimmel

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Star Wars Coolness! Pwnd!! l33t!!!

Ok T and L!
I know you think I'm a wonderful influence on your children... or should I say my converts.
Here is some picture positive proof of that influence!

The date: July 25th/26th.
The time: 10:45 PM - 2:00 AM
The location: Toys R Us
The occasion: Midnight releasing/opening of the new Merchandise for Star Wars: Clone Wars... including new SWPM!!!!!! The people: Leah and Myself and a whole bunch of other Star Wars GEEKs, and a guest appearance by the 501st Legion! Led by Darth Vader himself!!!
Here are some pics:

So here is all the stuff i brought home at 2am!!! i piled it on the coffee table to freak out my wife.
It worked!!
Theres Leah putting together her SWPM! GEEK!
Oh we are watching Episode III while we play with our toys BTW
more STUFF
Yeah Leah doesn't look so good at 2 am either!
Here is the display in TRU note the empty wall behind the guy with the wierd headgear. Totally sold out!!
Some of the Jedi Knights... just curious, why are they all LARGE and the troopers so thin??
They had the SWEET! FX Lightsabers!!!!!
More female geekiness! She's hooked folks!!
I couldn't contain my excitement!!!
As you can see waiting in line there was quite the display of Stormtroopers and Clone troopers
These guys were great btw! No one was aware they were even coming and at around 11:30 ish all of a sudden here they came into the parking lot out of the night.
They are known as the 501st Legion.
They make their own costumes and do events for charity. They have their own trading cards, gear, squadron patches. They are worldwide but this particular splinter was located near the Grand Rapids area. They were awesome! They let everyone take pictures and talk about whatever and hold their Sabers and guns! it was cooooooool!
This guy was hilarious! and obviously a big fan of Hannah Montana (Who I in no way endorse at all!!!!!)

Me and Captain Rex!
These guys really authenticate their costumes! They do all the battle damage effects and wear on them!

Captain Rex and the Gray Cheek Clone Trooper (ill give more on him later)
The line 200 strong
We were about # 20 in line!!! YESSSSS
Everyone loved my shirt!
Oh and it was a cool night but they were all roasting!!
I could be a trooper....
This was a girl in the costume, the kids was disappointed too! lol
Vader with a guy next to us in line. The costume was awesome! He just stood there and breathed...
Captain Rex again!
Jedi Lightsabers going to town!
These guys were nuts!!
Oh so the Gray Cheeked Clone Trooper. He actually showed up the next day at a TRU without his gear on and we chatted for a bit, he was a pretty cool guy. I asked about his Uni and he said he got it from a guy in Episode III. He was the trooper in a 5 second clip that killed Aayla Secura in execution of Order 66. Pretty neat costume!
Fat Knight... you'd think the Force was easier on the body...


This guy was skipping down the parking lot and doing funny dances!
