Thursday, April 9, 2009

Not so geeky update

Well I know its been a while... ok since Christmas, but my lovely, encouraging and uplifting wife hinted the other day that I should work on our blog and update it since our baby was born 2 months ago (yikes!) and there aren't any pictures or updates on anything other than Facebook.

So here you go:

Rowan Jade Kimmel was born on 2/7/2009 at about 6:30 pm via c-section. My wife did an AWESOME job laboring and trying to have this baby "normally" for around 36 hours!!!
We were discouraged by the c-section, but the Lord knows and was/is in control and everything turned out great.

It was pretty neat in the OR when they lifted out our baby and waited for me to tell what the Lord had givn us. The moment when I was able to say "Its a GIRL!" was unbelievable and unforgettable. Ill be posting some pics (i haven't yet figured out how SOME blogging guru's post the little link to their WHOLE albums) soon.

I know it is late but thank you all who prayed (the three people left that still read my _every_4_month_post_blog_)

Now our little girl is 2 months old and growing and getting fatter every day.
She loves her daddy and tells him how much she does, every day.

These are cell phone pics so the resolution isn't the greatest.
But idn't she cute?